Marathon of the Neretva Valley boats
THE BOAT MARATHON is an amateur sports competition in the boat race, traditional indigenous boats in the Neretva Valley. It is held once a year, on the second Saturday in August, on a distance of 22,500 meters, under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia.
The goal of the Boat Marathon is to preserve and tear away from oblivion and decay the old original Neretva boat.
In terms of views, the Boat Marathon is one of the biggest events in Croatia, as well as a tourist spectacle and attraction. It is watched live by tens of thousands of spectators along the entire route. Certainly the most impressive and attractive moment is the start in Metković. There, 330 rowers in 33 boats, densely packed, accompanied by the rumble of drums, begin their journey towards their distant goal in Ploče. Although the goal is far and the route is strenuous, at the start all the teams row as if the goal is 100 meters away and drive in the same rhythm along the entire route.