Pelješki vinari na Vinskoj shpitzi u Zagrebu najavili Dane kamenica i obilježavanje 60 godina zaštite Dingača kao oznake izvornosti


Pelješki vinari ove godine itekako imaju razloga za ponos i slavlje. Naime, najstarija hrvatska oznaka izvornosti kada je riječ o vinu, odnosi se upravo na vina proizvedena od grožđa sa svjetski poznatog položaja Dingač. Riječ je, dakako, o sorti plavac mali, najznačajnijem hrvatskom crnom sortimentu koji u ukupnoj proizvodnji sudjeluje sa preko 10%. Upravo na položaju Dingač, u pelješkom mjestu …

Discover the best of Croatia with the official Explore Croatia app


  The Explore Croatia mobile app was designed so that your Croatian adventure, just like Croatia itself, is filled with fun, unforgettable experiences and otherworldly natural beauty. Set off on your unforgettable trip to Croatia. Create a travel itinerary and share it with your friends. Choose and visit any among hundreds of locations for a perfect holiday. Discover hidden gems …

Studijska putovanja novinara i TV ekipa u Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji


Dubrovačko-neretvansku županiju je od 10.-14. svibnja posjetila grupa novinara iz Belgije i Nizozemske u pratnji djelatnika predstavništva Hrvatske turističke zajednice u belgiji gospodina Dalibora Soldana. Novinari su obisli Konavle, gdje su imali vinokušnju, Cavtat, Soko Grad, Dubrovnik, Arboretum u Trstenome, mali Ston s kušanjem i vađenjem kamenica, stonsku solanu i zidine i muzej vina u Putnikovićima, te otok Mljet. Usprkos …

Turistička zajednica Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije na predstavljanju u Pragu


Turistička zajednica Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, Turistička zajednica Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i Croatia Airlines, u suradnji s predstavništvom Hrvatske turističke zajednice u Pragu su u srijedu 12. travnja u glavnom gradu Češke održali zajedničko predstavljanje češkim turističkim agentima. Na prezentaciji je sudjelovalo 50 agenata, koje smo upoznali sa cjelokupnom ponudom Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije. Na prezentaciji je predstavljen ljetni red letenja Croatia Airlinesa u 2023. …

Sadnjom maslina u Stonu podržan projekt "Hrvatska prirodno tvoja"


Hrvatska turistička zajednica je pokrenula projekt poticanja razvoja održivog razvoja turizma „Hrvatska prirodno tvoja“ kojem je cilj sadnja dodatnih stabala u turističkim destinacijama radi smanjenja ugljikova otiska koji nastaje turističkom aktivnošću, a osobito od ispušnih plinova iz automobila turista, kao i poticanje razvoja održivog turizma i brendiranje i promoviranje Hrvatske kao održive destinacije. Turistička zajednica općine Ston  se uključila u …



Tea Mamut, Ivan Temšić, Robert Predrag Žmire i Gorana Milaković otkrili recepte za koje se gosti diljem Hrvatske doslovno otimaju!    Ususret prvom dubrovačkom street food festivalu Bavarin koji će se održati sljedećeg tjedna, od 13. do 16.10. u Lazaretima, vrijeme je da omastimo brk i zasladimo se delicijama koje potpisuje ekipa vrsnih gastro profesionalaca! Ulovili smo ih taman u …

PLACE2GO International Tourism Fair in Zagreb


The International Tourism Fair PLACE2GO is the largest tourism fair in Croatia, which brings travellers closer to the beauties of tourism and travel, shares mutual experiences and knowledge, introduces them to the main participants in the tourism industry, and gives exhibitors the opportunity to present their products and services. It was held this past weekend, from the 8th till the …

23rd International Economic Fair in Mostar


The Dubrovnik and Neretva County Tourist Board is participating as a co-exhibitor at the International Economic Fair held in Mostar from the 5th till the 9th of April 2022. According to the number of exhibitors and visitors, the Mostar Fair is the most successful exhibition in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is also one of the most important export markets for …

"New deal Europe 2022" in London


The Tourist board of the Dubrovnik and Neretva county participated at the New Deal Europe 2022 fair in London. The fair was held on April 4th at the Pixel building in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Aside from the in person meetings in London there will also be a virtual follow up on April 11th. The British audience was introduced …

peljesac vineyards

One of our favourite study trips; so far


There are currently six domestic influencers on a study trip through the Dubrovnik and Neretva county. The tourist boards of the county, Ston, Orebić, Korčula and Vela Luka have organised a five-day study trip. From the 13th till the 19th of September the participants will get to know the beauties of Mali Ston and its oyster farms, the stone walls, …

Panorama of the sea and Grebeni islet and lighthouse

TV Channel Russia 1 filming in Dubrovnik


The Russian camera crew of TV Channel Russia 1 is in Dubrovnik-Neretva County. The six-member team is recording the show “Po sekretu vsemu svetu!“, in Dubrovnik, Ston, on the islands of Mljet and Korčula as well as on the Pelješac peninsula. The show has a viewership of 7 million people, especially among the younger and middle generation. The first episode …

panorama of Dubrovnik rooftops

Exclusive Interview Reveals Dubrovnik & Neretva Hotspots


Broadway Travel recently asked us to expose all of our hidden gems and reveal our essential top tips in an exclusive interview. Uncovering the best time to visit, best excursions and fun facts, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We disclose all, from recommended dishes to local recipes and top areas to stay – find out the most …

Camping near Parks


  How many national parks and nature parks have you visited so far in Croatia? Croatia has 8 national parks, 11 nature parks and a large number of natural reserves. The vast majority of us visited at least one part of this invaluable natural wealth. However, the question arises as to how truly you have experienced these protected natural oases? …

Pokloni nagrađenima na Danima hrvatskog turizma


Prvoj redovnoj skupštini Turističke zajednice Dubrovačko- neretvanske županije prethodila je dodjela nagrada svim nagrađenima na Danima hrvatskog turizma koja se održala u listopadu. Župan Dubrovačko- neretvanski, Nikola Dobroslavić, prigodnim je darovima tako odao dodatno priznanje svim nagrađenima s područja Dubrovačko – neretvanske županije za njihove prepoznate uspjehe u protekloj godini.   Nagrade su dobili : U kategoriji kongresnih hotela 3. …

World giants sucombed to Croatain (and Dubrovnik) wines


A very interesting event took place on Sunday, June 5th, at the Excelsior Hotel in Dubrovnik. In total, 42 samples were placed in front of 14 expert tasters in a blind degustation among which some of the best international and domestic wines could be found. The idea for the event came from sommelier Siniša Lasan from the restaurant proto, who …

Dubrovnik – the candidate for the European Capital of Culture (part II)

News, Blog

Public exposure As a part of the preparation of the candidacy for the European Capital of Culture in 2020, at the beginning of the year, a number of artists have been invited to Dubrovnik to familiarize with the programme and to participate in the creation of it, whilst being in harmony with the defined principles of cocreation, experimentation and research. The …

Dubrovnik – the candidate for the European Capital of Culture (part I)


Last year marked the 30th anniversary of the European project European Capital of Culture. So far, 50 cities in Europe already earned themselves the prestigious title of the Capital. The idea of this 31 year old project is promoting mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among cities and increasing their sense of belonging to a community. In its core, the project is first …