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05. May 2023. - 14. May 2023.
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05. May 2023. - 14. May 2023.

Street food festival Bavarin

The second edition of Bavarin will experience its spring premiere!

From the 5th until the 14th of May 2023, on a well-known location, in Lazareti, we are expecting ten days of gastro-musical and educational spectacle that will raise the bar of the spring tourist offer, but also revive the old city center in the warm May nights.

In addition to an unmissable offer of delicious delicacies from all over Croatia, guest appearances by renowned names of the Croatian bar scene, cooking workshops for adults and children led by famous TV personalities and a daily entertainment and music program will be awaiting you.

There are also some new gastro names as well as many other novelties in the larger, more comprehensive and even richer second edition of Bavarin!


Šipčine 2
20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tel:  +385 (0) 20 324 999
Fax:  +385 (0) 20 324 224
Email: info@visitdubrovnik.hr

OIB 72976166926

MB 097 89 90


HTZ Dubrovnik
Camping in Parks EU Putevima Proslosti

© Turistička zajednica Dubrovačko-neretvarske županije, 2022. Sva prava podržana. Dizajn i izrada - Prospekt
