Pizza Festival

Sredina listopada u Dubrovniku bit će u znaku pizze jer u Gruž i bivšu tvornicu TUP stiže Pizza Festival powered by Staropramen! Pizza-avantura, u organizaciji Grada Dubrovnika i TUP-a, traje od 12. do 15. listopada, a svi posjetitelji imat će prilike uživati u jedinstvenim okusima iza čije pripreme stoje vrhunski pizza-entuzijasti: Pista & Pazza, Pizza Social Club, Beg’s Plant Based …

Concert: Split Guitar Quartet

SPLIT GUITAR QUARTET was founded in 2010 with the aim of enriching the guitar scene in Split. The quartet is formed by prizewinning guitarists, former students of music schools in Split and of the Music Academy in Split: Kajo Milišić, Josip Dragnić, Goran Cetinić Koća and Martin Andrijašević. Guitarist Genc Qivlaku was a member of Quartet’s first lineup. During the …

Concert: Klapa Subrenum

The story of the Subrenum klapa, whose name derives from the old name for the Dubrovnik parish “sub brenum”, and its members, true promoters of klapa songs, and therefore of cultural values, began in 1992. All these years, from its foundation until today, nurturing the indigenous national heritage in expression through vocal klapa performance and polyphonic acapella interpretation, Subrenum occupies …