Classical music concert – Trio LiedMe

St. Nikola’s church, Cavtat / 21:00   TRIO LIED ME NIKOLINA PINKO BEHRENDS, soprano (SWITZERLAND) ĐIVE FRANETOVIĆ KUŠELJ, flute (DUBROVNIK) STEFANI GRBIĆ, piano (DUBROVNIK)   Concert of classical music by the trio “LiedMe” composed of Nikolina Pinko Behrends (Switzerland), soprano, and Dubrovnik musicians Đive Franetović Kušelj, flute and Stefani Grbić, piano. All three academic artists have exceptional solo careers, and …

Hommage to Tino Pattiera

Villa Pattiera, Cavtat / 20:00 Ceremonial unveiling of the memorial plaque to Tino Pattiera   Culture centre, Cavtat / 21:00 B. Pergolesi: OPERA “THE MAID MISTRESS” Opera Pannonica, Osijek Sorkočević Orchestra, Dubrovnik Conductor: Slobodan Begić, Dubrovnik   For the third year in a row, an opera is being performed as a part of the program of the “Music and Word …

The International Late Summer Music Festival Dubrovnik

The International Late Summer Music Festival Dubrovnik is an annual festival launched by the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra. Since its debut in 2013, it has found great acceptance among the audience. It takes place in late August until late September. The aim of the festival is to keep the presence of music and cultural vibrancy in Dubrovnik after the Dubrovnik Summer …

Cavtat Music Evenings

The Konavle Art Association, after 10 years of The Festival “Music & Word”, aimed at encouraging cultural-performative activities in Konavle. In 2017, they designed a new project titled Cavtat’s Musical Evenings. This cycle of eight concerts of chamber music will be held from June to September, in the Salon of the Pinakothek, the Church of St. Nicholas, the House of …

Vlatko Stefanovski

Reserve the 11th of August for one of the crowd favourites, Vlatko Stefanovski. This guitar virtuoso, is one of the most loved and popular artists in these parts of Europe. Let yourself sail through the night sky on the perfectly arranged sequences of cords forming beautiful, mesmerising songs. Reserve the second Tuesday of August for a musical cleanse with Vlatko …


Don’t miss out on the fantastic Massimo Savić, in the unique surrounding of the open air cinema Slavica on Sempember 5th. This renowned Croatian musician, with a career spanning over 35 years, is guaranteed to make your evening a perfect experience.  

Aklapela Festival

For the eight consecutive years, the Festival that fosters traditional a cappella singing will take place in Dubrovnik. The Festival will welcome many acclaimed a cappella groups from different parts of Croatia. A cappella singing has been included into UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and is one of the trademarks of Dalmatia.