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05. sierpnia 2024.
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05. sierpnia 2024.

Concert of classical music: The Zagreb Quartet

On April 25, 1919, the Zagreb Quartet was established by a concert in the great hall of the Croatian State Music Institute.This year they are celebrating 105 years of existence of the Zagreb Quartet.

The first musicians’ four was comprised of the violinists Vaclav Huml and Milan Graf, violist Ladislav Miranov and violoncellist Umberto Fabri. In the periodof over hundred years performing activities about thirty musicians gave their contribution to the Zagreb Quartet, among them Stjepan Šulek, Josip Klima, Zlatko Balija, Đorđe Trkulja, Marija Cobenzl, Goran Bakrač, Ante Živković, Josip Stojanović, Goran Končar, Sergej Evseev, Marin Maras and others. The present ensemble consists of Martin Krpan, the brothers Hrvoje and Davor Philips and Martin Jordan.

The Zagreb Quartet played more than 4,000 concerts on all continents, recorded more that 60 records for various world publishing and radio houses, i.e. like Sastruphon, RCA, Melodicom, Da Camera Magna, Croatia Records, ALM Records, etc.

In the multitude of domestic and foreign acknowledgements and awards it is the Vladimir Nazor Award for Life Achievement awarded in the year 2009 that is particularly outstanding.

Šipčine 2
20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tel:  +385 (0) 20 324 999
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Email: info@visitdubrovnik.hr

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