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01. września 2023. - 17. września 2023.
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01. września 2023. - 17. września 2023.

Korkyra Baroque Festival

The Korkyra Baroque Festival is a high profile cultural event founded in 2012 with an aim of promoting local and international musical and cultural heritage. The Festival has built a reputation with both audiences and performers as an outstanding cultural event that combines magical music with beautiful surroundings. The churches, atriums, squares, and hidden courtyards combined with the natural beauty of Korcula and the Peljesac Peninsula provide perfect settings for beautiful music.

This year’s Festival presents ten thematically different programs featuring performers from Denmark, Austria, England, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Serbia and Croatia. Apart from the town of Korčula, festival programs can also be heard on the island of Badija, in Vela Luka, Pupnat, Ston, Orebić and in Viganj.

From the virtuoso Vivaldi to the singing buffo Pergolesi, from contemporary dance to the nyckelharpa and Swedish folk, this year again the diversity and richness of the festival programs will attract a large audience giving them an opportunity to get to know the richness of the baroque treasury.

Šipčine 2
20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tel:  +385 (0) 20 324 999
Fax:  +385 (0) 20 324 224
Email: info@visitdubrovnik.hr

OIB 72976166926

MB 097 89 90


HTZ Dubrovnik
Camping in Parks EU Putevima Proslosti

© Turistička zajednica Dubrovačko-neretvarske županije, 2022. Sva prava podržana. Dizajn i izrada - Prospekt
