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22. septiembre 2024.
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22. septiembre 2024.

Ston Wall Marathon

The Ston Wall Marathon is a unique race that has been held since 2008 on the historic walls of Ston, which were built in the Middle Ages to protect the town and its precious salt pans from foreign invaders. Today, the walls of Ston are the longest preserved fortification system in Europe, with a length of 5.5 km, although they were originally over 7 km long.

The Ston Marathon, like many running events today, offers several track lengths so that runners of all levels can find something suitable for themselves: a 4 km race, a 15 km race, and the most demanding marathon section of 42 km.

The Ston Wall Marathon is an example of how the combination of sports and tourist content successfully attracts runners and recreationists from all over the world, and has been doing so for fifteen years.

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